Friday, August 29, 2008

Update on Daisy Today!

While this blog is intended to cover the history of Daisy's life - it also rightfully should include current updates.

We happily receive visits from a public health nurse, Monica. I adore Monica for her warm demeanor, gentle and wide smile and her encouraging words. I don't think of her as a nurse coming to visit, but rather a knowledgeable friend.

Monica came to visit today - and she weighed Daisy. Daisy is 8 lbs, 11 ounces. On the 19th Daisy weighed 8 lbs even, so she's gained 11 ounces in 10 days. Even more good news, Daisy has grown an inch since her last dr.'s visit, and is 20 1/2 inches long. Daisy also spent some time smiling at Monica and gazing into Monica's eyes. All very good news.

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